Where can I get company financials & SEC filings and how do I access them?
Company financials and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings are available through online platforms and integrated solutions from Mergent Intellect, Nexis Uni, and Value Line. These can be accessed through the UNT Library's website at www.library.unt.edu. To access them, click the "Databases" button then type in the name of the database in the search box.
What databases offer company financials and/or SEC filings?
The following databases, paid for by UNT Libraries, offer company financial & SEC filings:
Mergent Intellect offers access to a wide range of business data -- private and public companies, U.S. and international based, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, industry profiles, and much more.
Provides accurate, independently-created investment research information. The data are continuously updated with current and historical market analysis and financial information spanning thousands of U.S. companies, mutual funds and other securities, industry sectors, indices and economic variables.