Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
There are two ways to find LIS ebooks at the UNT Libraries - through the catalog and by directly searching ebook collections. In either approach, remember to use the book's index to see if your topic is covered.
Follow these steps to find ebooks through the UNT Library Catalog:
Here are some ebook collections that you can go to directly and search for LIS topics:
View this EBSCOhost YouTube tutorial to learn more about doing an Advanced Search in EBSCOhost databases.
Boolean logic is used to search most databases. By using connecting terms like AND, NOT, and OR searches can be broadened or narrowed.
Below is a brief tutorial, (0:27) explaining how Boolean logic works.
This last video is a lighter take on Boolean logic, (6:54). Along with a good laugh, the video provides expert information on how to properly conduct a search using a database or search engine.