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BIOL 4440: Stream Ecology

How to find and use books and article databases at the UNT Libraries.

Searching Tip

To find recent trends and issues in your topic area, it's a good idea to start out reading some review articles. These are secondary sources that discuss a number of other articles. Review articles do not report on research recently conducted by the author.

To search for review articles, include the word "review" in your search terms, e.g., [review arsenic pollution water].

Recommended Databases for Stream Ecology

See the Boolean Searching Video in the box below for instructions on how to search in these databases.

Boolean Searching

If the video below is gray, sign into Microsoft Stream with your EUID and password.

Online Articles Search

Not sure which database to use? Try the Online Articles search from the Libraries homepage. Online Articles searches through 92% of our databases at once, produces a list of full text articles, and will recommend the databases you should use. Follow these steps to try a search:

  1. Locate the blue search box on the Libraries homepage
  2. Select the Online Articles tab
  3. Enter 3 or 4 search terms and click on the Search button

On the Results screen, you'll be able to refine the results by date, subject terms, type of publication and more. 

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