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ANTH 5300: Migrants and Refugees

A guide to library resources for ANTH 5300 research


Welcome to the class page for Anthropology 5300: Migrants and Refugees.  Here you will find resources that are suggested for your research in this class.   If you need help with your library research, please contact the Anthropology Librarian, Chassidy Miles.

Image of West Sahara- Floods in Sahrawi refugee camps in southwest Algeria

 Western Sahara-- Floods in Sahrawi refugee camps in southwest Algeria

Interlibrary Loan

Need a book or article not in print or online at UNT Libraries?   Use Interlibrary Loan to borrow materials at other libraries while you are affiliated with UNT.  Update as of March 2023: ILLiad has changed to Single Sign-On (SSO). All patrons should use their university EUID and password to access ILLiad.

Services for Distance Users

If you are a distance student, there are some services that you need to be aware of.  You may request print books from the UNT Libraries collection to be mailed to you. These requests are placed through your ILLIAD account. 

You may also request electronic copies of articles found in journals owned by the UNT Libraries as well as those not owned by the UNT Libraries.

Visit the services for distance learners for more information about services and resources for online students.

Required reading