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Trumpet Resource Guide

Guide to finding scores, books and journals about the trumpet

Welcome to the Trumpet Resource Guide

This guide is intended to help you find specific trumpet-related materials in the Music Library, and to browse for printed music and books pertaining to the trumpet.  It is only a starting point for accessing these materials. To find particular items, search our redesigned Discover catalog: or our legacy UNT Music Library Catalog 

For details about our call numbers and more, please visit this guide:

Music Library: Basics for New Users

If you need assistance, please feel free to ask at the Music Library Service Desk located on the 4th floor of Willis Library.

Renowned Trumpet Professors

The College of Music has a long-standing tradition of excellence in trumpet instruction.

Professor Emeritus John J. Haynie, 1924-2004, who taught at UNT from 1950-1990, brought national renown to the program, and his legacy is well-represented at the UNT Libraries. 

The Music Library maintains copious research materials relating to him and recordings of his performances in our special collections. A detailed finding aid is here:
Collection: John J. Haynie Collection | UNT Finding Aids

In addition, many scores which we received from his studio after his retirement are available for checkout in our general collection. 

Professor Emeritus Keith Johnson, 1942-2020, who taught at UNT from 1986-2014, was a renowned teacher and author. The Music Library maintains research material relating to him in our special collections. A detailed finding aid is here:
Collection: Keith Johnson Collection | UNT Finding Aids