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Resources for finding theater books, plays, videos, journal articles, theater reviews and theater costume images.

Finding Books, Plays, Play Scripts, Audio Recordings, Music Scores, DVDs and Movies

To Find Books, Plays and Play Scripts

To find books, plays and playscripts, search the UNT Libraries Catalog.
Choose “Title” search and type the name of the play in the search box.

Theater Topic search examples (keyword): "Doll's House" AND criticism, "Doll's House" AND play, "Doll's House" AND psychology, Plays AND “20th century” AND American, Drama AND 20th century AND Paris.

Online play scripts for many plays.

University of California's (UCI) Drama Tagpacker
Use this tool to find drama by genre and other tags/limiters. Once you find the title of a work, search the title in the UNT Libraries Catalog

To Find Audio Recordings & Music Scores

Search the UNT Libraries Catalog.
Choose “Title” search and type the name of the audio you want.
Example: West Side Story
Audio formats will be indicated by the headset icon with the word “audio” on it. 

To Find DVD & Movies

Search the Media Library Catalog
Also see the Film Genres. Students can check out up to 3 DVD’s for 3 days.

To Find More Books, Plays & Other Materials Published on Your Topic

Use the World Catalog to find additional books, plays, and other materials published on your topic that are not owned by the UNT Libraries. The World Catalog contains more than 35 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. You may request to borrow any books that do not have the UNT Libraries logo beside them by clicking on the "UNT Interlibrary Loan" link within the book's record and then entering your UNT Interlibrary Loan username and password.

*If accessing off campus, you will be asked for an EUID and EUID password.

Borrowing Books, Plays, etc. from other Universities


*Books not owned by the UNT Libraries may be requested to be borrowed through 
our borrowing program Interlibrary Loan. Your Interlibrary Loan username is your EUID and your password is your EUID password.