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Guide to psychology resources at the UNT Libraries

About Books

Books held by the UNT Libraries may be in print or electronic form.  Electronic books can be accessed through the library catalog (click on the "Find It" link in the book record). 

Print books are generally shelved on the 3rd floor of Willis Library, in the Social Sciences or Education section, or in Remote Storage. Please check the library catalog record for the location and call number. 

Books in remote storage may be requested using the "Request Pickup" link in the catalog record and made available on the Hold Pick-up shelves on the first floor of Willis.

Books not currently held by the UNT Libraries may be requested using Interlibrary Loan

The search box below will search across multiple formats--print & e-books, journals, online articles, databases, digital libraries, guides, and more--and display them in separate sections. At the bottom of each section, you can click "See all results" to see more results in that format. 

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Book Reviews