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PSCI 4810: International Law

This guide contains resources for finding research materials for international law.

On this page, you will find a list of UNT Library databases and repositories that can help you find law reviews and academic journals on international and government topics. Remember to cite your research using APSA style. 

Finding Articles and Law Reviews

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Journals on

Washington & Lee Law Library's 2023 law journal rankings are recomended by Opinio Juris Blog listed below. The rankings factor the combined scores of impact factor, journal cites, currency factor, and case cites. You can access the journals using the UNT Library databases by clicking on the name of the journal. 

  1. Harvard Law Review, 100.002
  2. Stanford Law Review, 82.953
  3. Yale Law Journal, 80.744
  4. Columbia Law Review, 80.71
  5. California Law Review, 70.276
  6. Georgetown Law Journal, 57.337
  7. UCLA Law Review, 57.168 
  8. Vanderbilt Law Review, 55.81
  9. Michigan Law Review, 54.5210
  10. New York University Law Review, 53.25

Find e-journals through the UNT Catalog related to Non-US Governments by country or region. 

Find e-journals through the UNT Catalog related to general government, canon, and comparative issues.