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Research and professional resources on photography.

Photography Reproductions: Databases

Reproductions of Photographs in ARTstor

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Photography Collections

Photography Collection

Most of these books are located on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library. Click on the title of the book to see the location and call number.

Catalogue of the Amon Carter Photography Collection
Index to American Photographic Collections: Compiled at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House
Photographic Collections in Texas: A Union Guide
Photography Index: A Guide to Reproductions
Stock Photo and Assignment Source Book: Where to Find Photographs Instantly

America from the Great Depression to WWII: Library of Congress
The images in the Farm Security Administration-Office of War Information Collection are among the most famous documentary photographs ever produced. 

The University Archives
The University Archives house a collection of over 750,000 photographs: including 3,000 lantern slides and 1,100 motion pictures of university events and people. The focus of this collection is the University of North Texas and the geographic area of North Texas. More detailed information about this collection can be found in Photographic Collections in Texas: A Union Guide, or by consulting with the staff of the University Archives.


Photography Reproductions: Internet

Photography Reproductions: Internet

Google Image Search
Type the name of the artist (first name last name), and then hit search. is a directory of contemporary American artists. Some of the information included on this site includes: gallery holdings and representation, bios, and the record price for work sold at auction. Much information is free, but if you go too far into the image links, you will be asked for a user name and password.