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Online Articles Search

Learn how to use the Online Articles search, the Libraries' discovery tool that searches most of our databases simultaneously.


Email Article Citations

When you have selected articles for a project or paper, you'll also want to save their citations to put in the bibliography of your paper/project. You can email the citations to yourself by following these steps:

Step 1. Add an article to a Saved Items folder by clicking on the folder icon to the right of the article's description. Repeat this for as many articles as you plan to use.

Saved Items folder option for an article


Step 2. Look to the top right of the results for the Saved Items folder and click on it. You'll see the list of the articles you saved

Saved Items folder in Online Articles with collected articles'


Step 3. Select the citation style you want from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen

Citation style options for emailing in Online Articles

Step 4. Click on the Email button, enter your email address and message, then send the article citations and links.


Export Citations to RefWorks (or other reference managers)

You can also save citations for articles by sending them to a reference manager, e.g., RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero. RefWorks is the manager available to all UNT students, faculty and staff through the UNT Libraries. Visit the RefWorks library guide to learn how to create your free account and about the manager's basic functions.

Follow the steps above in Email Article Citations through opening the Saved Items folder. Then do the following:

Step 1. Locate the Export To dropdown menu at the top of the screen

Citation export options in Online Articles


Step 2. Select RefWorks from the menu, or the reference manager you use

Step 3. If your RefWorks account is not open already, a window will open with the login screen. You'll be asked which folder to place the citation in.

Step 4. Later you can use RefWorks to create the bibliography for your paper/project in the citation style of your choice.

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