Borrowing Equipment Policies

The Music Library has a variety of equipment for current UNT students, staff, and faculty to check out at The Soundbox. The equipment is available for checkout at the Music Library service desk when the Soundbox is closed. Please note the following policies for checking out the equipment:
- Music equipment must be returned to the Music Library during open hours
- 7 day checkout
- Renewals are allowed in person if the item does not have a hold placed on it by a patron
- Eligible for hold requests (pickup at Music Library; not eligible for faculty delivery)
- Items with a hold request will remain on the holdshelf for 3 days
- Fine rate of $10 per item within the kits per day for fines-accruing patrons
- Lost items may incur a replacement charge to the patron
Laptops have a different circulation policy that can be found on the "Laptops" tab under The Soundbox.
To check out equipment, please ask an assistant at The Soundbox or Music Library service desk for the item. The Music Library is located on the 4th floor of the Willis Library on the UNT Denton campus.
For more equipment options, please consult The Spark Makerspace guide.
Equipment must be returned to the Music Library during
open hours.