Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
The Soundbox in the Music Library has a Circulating iPad Kit that has been developed to aid performing musicians with their digital score and performance needs. Check with staff in the Soundbox about current availability for general checkout.
Note: The iPad is set up to be wiped once you sign out of the device.
We have purchased the base version of each app. For further functionality, you will have to log into your personal accounts to use the apps and save your work. If you use the applications without logging in, your files/data will not be saved.
The Circulating iPad Kit is your responsibility when checked out to you. You must understand that financial responsibility, as well as physical responsibility is transferred to you, and you will be held financially responsible if equipment is damaged or misplaced while checked out to you.
The Soundbox Circulating iPad Kit is available for checkout on the 4th floor of Willis. During Soundbox hours, you may check out the kit in Room 422 and receive additional assistance.