Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Peer review is a practice in which an article proposed for publication is reviewed by a group of experts in the same field as the article to establish that it meets established standards for scholarly research.
Many databases include a checkbox that allows you to limit search results to peer reviewed items. Sometimes it appears in the area below the basic search box. If it isn't there, look at the search options available with the advanced search.
Another way to determine if an article is Peer Reviewed or Scholarly, is to search for the title of the journal which published the article in Ulrichsweb
The Referee Shirt icon indicates the journal is refereed or peer reviewed.
A trade journal is a periodical that targets individuals working in a particular industry, trade or profession. They are often published by industry or professional associations. The articles focus on trends, best practices and events in that field. New practices and trends often appear in trade journals before they appear in scholarly journals.
Many databases include a checkbox that allows you to select the types of sources that will be included in the search results. It is usually in a list of items called "Publication Type," "Source Type," or "Content Type." Sometimes it appears in the area below the basic search box. If it isn't there, look at the search options available with the advanced search.
If there is article you are looking for but it is not owned by the UNT Libraries, you can make a request for it through our Interlibrary Loan Service. For more information about the service and how to set up an ILLiad account to request materials, visit the ILL page.
These are suggested databases you may search within to find articles on your topic. To find other databases the Libraries provides access to, please click on the hyperlink for A-Z Databases.