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A subject guide for linguistics students and researchers

How to find books on linguistics

Print and online books available through the UNT Libraries can be located using Discover, UNT's library catalog, by searching by title, author, subject, and more. The subject of each book is recorded using the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Examples of subject headings related to linguistics are the following:

If you find a print book that you are interested in, you can request online for it to be delivered to a service desk (you will receive an email when it is available), or, for many items, you can retrieve them by yourself: there are maps of each floor of each library building, and you can consult our guide to call numbers.

Books related to linguistics are generally found in call-number range P-PM (browse an outline of all P classifications online). These are located on the 3rd floor of Willis Library. However, books related to forensic linguistics may be found in other call-number ranges, some of which (like K) are found in the Sycamore Library (in Sycamore Hall).

You can also look for print books in other libraries by searching WorldCat Discovery through UNT. There is also a public interface to WorldCat. You can borrow these directly using interlibrary loan ("ILL"): look for the links in WorldCat.