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Understanding how a bill becomes a law (the legislative process) is the first step in tracking legislation.
How Laws are Made and How to Research Them resource on how laws, regulations, and executive orders are made and how to look them up.
Following is a collection of Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports that detail aspects of the legislative process. CRS reports are updated regularly so newer versions may be available. Search the Congressional Research Service database for additional reports.
The Committee System in the U.S. Congress
Congressional Research Service report on how Congress uses committees to accomplish its work.
Conference Committee and Related Procedures: An Introduction
Congressional Research Service report on House and Senate procedures for reaching agreement on legislation.
House and Senate Rules of Procedure: A Comparison
This Congressional Research Report compares selected House and Senate rules of procedure for various stages of the legislative process: referral of legislation to committees; scheduling and calling up measures; and floor consideration. No attempt is made to present a comprehensive discussion of how both chambers operate. The appendices provide sources of additional information about House and Senate rules of procedure.
How Measures are Brought to the House Floor: A Brief Introduction
This Congressional Research Service report provides a brief description of the methods used to bring proposed legislation to the House floor for consideration. These methods allow for consideration as a privileged matter, under the limited privilege of a special calendar or day, under suspension of the rules, under the terms of a special rule, or by unanimous consent. (2017 edition)
Introduction to the Legislative Process
A Congressional Research Service report explaining the legislative process.