Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Institution for Education Sciences (2024, May). Report on the condition of education.
Institution for Education Sciences (2024, May). Digest State Dashboard: Texas.
Institute for Education Sciences (2024, November). Teacher openings in elementary and secondary schools.
Heath, K. (2023, June 5). How did public education fare in the Texas legislature? Which bills passed—and failed. Austin American Statesman.
Week 2: Special Education Programs in the Schools
Arundal, K. (2024, May). How can schools prepare for ADA digital accessibility requirements?
Arundel, K. (2021, June). Why having too many or too few special education students matters. K-12 Dive.
Bellwether (2022, September). Ignored, punished, underserved: Understanding and Addressing Disparities in Education Experiences and Outcomes for Black Children with Disabilities.
Butrymowicz et al. (2024). Students with disabilities often snared by subjective discipline rules.
Connor, D. J. (2013). Who “owns” dis/ability? The cultural work of critical special educators as insider–outsiders. Theory & Research in Social Education, 4(4), 494-513.
Lewis, M. M., & Muñiz, R. (2023). Section 504 plans: Examining inequitable access and misuse.
Schrader, J. (2023). What is an autistic meltdown?
Woods, T. (2023) Why has there been a rise in autism and ADHD diagnoses?
Week 3: Bilingual, Emergent Bilingual, Migrant, Homeless
Palmieri, A. (2018, May 1). Seven essential components for successful dual language programs. Education Week.
Lander, (2019-2020). Seeing their strengths: Let’s ditch deficit-based thinking, and instead focus on the strengths of our immigrant students. Educational Leadership, 77(4), 24-28
Samuels, S. (2021, June). Dismantling Barriers for English Language Learners. Edutopia.
Sikes, C. L., & Villaneuva, C. K. (2021). Creating a more bilingual Texas: A closer look at bilingual education in the lone star state.
Texas Education Agency (2021). Texas education for homeless children and youth (TEHCY) program.
Texas Education Agency (2023). Foster Care and Student Success.
Yaafouri, L. E. (2021, April 13). Tips for fostering healthy integration of newcomers to the U.S. Edutopia.
Week 4: Gifted/Talented, STEM, Alternative Education Programs
Texas Education Agency (2024). Gifted talented education.
Texas Education Agency (2024). STEM.
Texas Education Agency (2024). Alternative schooling.
Barshay, J. (2019, April 15). Gifted classes may not help talented students move ahead faster. The Hechinger Report.
Barshay, J. (2021, April 19). PROOF POINTS: Gifted programs provide little to no academic boost, new study says.
Coronado, J. M., & Lewis, K. D. (2017). The disproportional representation of English language learners in gifted and talented programs in Texas. Gifted Child Today, 40(4), 238-244.
Week 5: Applied Education, Academic Interventions, Student Activities
Texas Education Agency (2024). Career and Technical Education.
Cassell, S. (2021, June 7). The benefits of providing career pathways in high school: An assistant principal explains how a focus on industrial arts can generate enthusiasm among high school students.
Cordova, S. (2021, February 17). An untapped path to equity runs through career-technical education.
Hodge, E., Dougherty, S., & Burris, C. (2020, February). Tracking and the future of career
and technical education: How efforts to connect school and work can avoid the past mistakes of vocational education.
Lieberman, M. (2021, March 2). Top U.S. companies: These are the skills students need in a post-pandemic world.
Zaber, M. A., & Hamilton, L. S. (2020). Teacher and principal perspectives on supports for students’ college and career pathways.
CDC (2024). Promoting mental health and wellbeing in schools.
Education Trust (2019). School counselors matter.
Texas Education Agency (2024). School Counseling.
Week 7: Early Childhood/Pre-Kindergarten, Dyslexia
National Council of Learning Disabilities (n.d.). The dyslexia toolkit.
Redford, K. (2017). Dyslexia: Disability or difference? Educational Leadership, 74(7), 65-67.
Texas Education Agency (2018, November). The dyslexia handbook
Texas Education Agency (2015, December). Texas prekindergarten guidelines.
Week 8: Accessing Central Office, Teacher Leaders
Scott, D. (2024). As a principal, I thought I promoted psychological safety. Then a colleague spoke up.
National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (2018). Unleashing teacher leadership: How formal teacher leader roles can improve instruction.
Wronowski et al. (2023). "We've been forgotten": First-hand perspectives on teacher leaders and teacher leadership in urban schools. Education and Urban Society. 1-23.