If you are interested in learning more about data management and the research data cycle, the following organizations are good places to start:
DataONE offers a primer on data management throughout the data life cycle.
USGS Science Data Lifecycle Model illustrates the stages of data management during research and provides training modules for their model.
Educopia Institute Electronic Theses and Dissertations Guidance Briefs are designed for those working on theses & dissertations to learn about data curation and digital longevity techniques. This includes topics on copyright, data organization, file formats, metadata, storage, and version control.
Online Tutorials & Training Courses
Research Data Management and Sharing (Coursera) offers an IMLS-funded MOOC that provides an introduction to the concepts and issues surrounding research data management.
The Research Data Management Librarian Academy is a free professional development for librarians, information professionals and others who work in a researcher intensive environment.