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Data Management

This guide provides information on data management resources and services for the UNT community.

UNT Data Repository and Scholarly Works

The UNT Libraries offer two digital repositories for preserving and providing access to your research data and outputs.

UNT Data Repository logo UNT Data Repository is a central archive to provide long-term preservation and access for research data.

 UNT Scholarly Works serves as the institutional repository and houses publications, reports, and scholarly research output.

Other Data Related Support at UNT

The following offices offer data related support for students, staff, and researchers at UNT.

Research Computing Services

Provides access to high-performance computing for computationally intensive research.

College of Education - Office of Research Consulting

Supports the research needs of faculty and graduate students with grants, research, dissertations, and classwork to further their statistical understanding and enhancing the research atmosphere at UNT. Visit the ORC homepage to request a consultation.

Computing for Arts + Sciences

Offers technology services for the UNT College of Information, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, and College of Science. For confidential and sensitive data repository, please contact CAS-IT and request services.

External Data Repositories

A number of external data repositories exist for researchers in a particular region or discipline.

Consult with our Data Management Team to help choose the right repository for your needs.

Examples of external data repositories: