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Counseling and Testing Resources

This guide promotes the UNT Counseling and Testing Center including books available through the UNT Libraries' collections, online resources, and additional services.

Individual Counseling

Students meet individually with a trained professional to discuss a variety of issues.  Some common concerns addressed in counseling include stress/anxiety, low self-esteem, body image concerns, identity development, relationship challenges, depression, academic performance, and substance use.  

Individual counseling is designed to focus on short-term goals in order to facilitate students’ college success and adjustment. Clinicians are available to meet with students for a limited number of sessions (short-term), which are approximately 45 minutes in length.  Together, the clinician and student set goals and determine the approximate number of sessions that may be needed.  Clinicians will assess whether sessions are weekly or biweekly, based on students’ needs and concerns.  Please note that, during particularly high-volume or busy times, sessions may switch to 30 minute or bi-weekly sessions with consideration of students’ needs and concerns. 

In some situations students may benefit from more frequent, longer-term, or specialized care.  In these cases, a student may meet with the CTS Case Manager to consult about which resources may be most beneficial.  The Case Manager assists students in making initial contact with an outside provider or agency and can provide follow-up support.  If you are calling to obtain more frequent, long-term, or specialized care, please ask to schedule an appointment with our Case Manager.

Career/Vocational Counseling

At CTS, Vocational Counseling can include, but is not limited to:

  1. Vocational Assessment and Feedback, 
  2. Psychoeducation about Career Development 
  3. Personal Exploration
  4. Career Decision Making

Vocational/Career Counselors at CTS will meet one-on-one with you to review your career goals and needs.  Sessions are approximately 45 minutes and typically focus on psychoeducation, test feedback, decision making and career exploration.  We help students understand how their personality, identity, life experiences, environment, values, skills, talents and goals can influence their career development.  We aim to teach lifelong skills to help students navigate current and future career related decisions.  For resources related to job preparation and attainment (i.e. resume building, interviewing, etc.) we provide additional referrals.

Couples Counseling

Couples may benefit from counseling when conflict arises, value differences are present, or a big decision is needing to be made.  While couples counseling often requires a time commitment beyond the scope of the CTS’ services, clinicians can meet with couples, both of whom must be a student at University of North Texas and currently enrolled, on a limited basis to provide relationship counseling.  Students who qualify for couples counseling cannot receive individual and couples therapy concurrently.  

More Information

Learn more about these services at Student Counseling Services.


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Most Asked Counseling Services FAQs

Questions about Counseling and Mental Health Care

How does counseling (therapy) help?

There are many kinds of therapy so there is no pat answer to this question. Generally for most people, discussing issues, problems, behaviors, feelings, values, choices, goals, wishes, and wants help them clarify how to move from a problem (often a "stuck" point) toward change and solutions. Be aware though that change is neither easy for most nor is it linear. Talk to you counselor about where you are going and what you want from counseling. Frankly, most bright college students already know what the problem is and how they want to change but have been unable to change it on their own. This still doesn't make change easy and this is where counseling can often help. None of us can be completely objective about ourselves, nor can people close to us, so it is often helpful to talk to an objective trained professional to get a new angle on things.

Is counseling confidential?

Counseling is a very personal endeavor, and we respect privacy and confidentiality to the extent that the law allows. If you have any questions about this, please ask. As with all health related services nationally, HIPAA documentation about our policy/procedures and disclosures must now be signed.

Questions about Counseling Services at UNT

When is the CTS open?

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CTS's office hours during fall break, spring break, and summer break vary. 

Who is eligible for services?

Counseling and Testing Services provides individual and group therapy, workshops, and assistance in obtaining other community and campus resources exclusively to current UNT students, as we are funded through the Student Service Fee that is paid by currently enrolled students. You must be enrolled in the current semester at UNT to receive services. The one exception to this eligibility policy is during summer: you must be enrolled in the current summer semester OR be enrolled in both the prior spring semester and upcoming fall semester. Enrollment will be verified prior to the start of the session.

What can your services do for me?

The counseling center is focused on providing short-term counseling that is designed to assist students with issues that can benefit from this counseling model. Some psychiatric disorders may require treatment and or monitoring beyond the scope of what the counseling center can provide, and if this is the case, referral to appropriate agencies or professionals will be provided. If in doubt, or if you have questions, please contact us.

What can I expect from the first session?

The contents and process of the first sessions will depend on the level of appointment you are seeking. Please see the "Making an Initial Appointment", in our programs and services section to determine which level of appointment will best meet your needs.

What are the costs or fees for service?

Since we are supported by the "Student Service Fee", at this time we do not charge for the services, except minimal costs for some specific assessment instruments, and some workshops/classes.

How do I access CTS Services?

Phone (940)-565-2741 or Walk-in to CTS at 313 Chestnut Building on the UNT Campus. Schedule an appointment to see a counselor if it is not an urgent care situation. Typically, students can be seen within one or two days if needed. Out-patient appropriate urgent-care students will be seen by the next available counselor, however, if someone is actively in danger, a danger to themselves or others, 911 should be called, or if safe, they should be taken to the nearest Emergency Room.

How long are counseling sessions?

Individual counseling appointments are usually 45 minutes in length. Group counseling sessions are usually 60 to 90 minutes in length.

How many sessions do I have?

Due to the significant and continuing increase in demand for counseling services and our limited staff resources, CTS provides brief individual therapy, group therapy, drop-in groups and workshops, and assistance in obtaining appropriate resources/referrals. Duration and type of services is based on individual needs and concerns. Individual counseling at CTS tends to be brief/short-term, while group counseling sessions can be unlimited. If neither of these services appears to be an ideal fit for your needs, CTS clinicians will assist you in determining and obtaining services that meet your needs. In some situations, students may benefit from more frequent, longer-term, or specialized care. In these cases, a student will meet with the CTS Case Manager to consult about which resources may be most beneficial. The Case Manager assists students in making initial contact with an outside provider or agency and can provide follow up support.

What are some of my responsibilities as a client?

Students are expected to be prompt for appointments or call to cancel well in advance if they cannot make an appointment so other students have the opportunity to use our resources. Students are expected to use counseling to their full ability because any kind of change, growth, awareness, and benefit is contingent on the client's willingness to engage and work openly and honestly in the process of counseling. No counselor can MAKE you change, only help guide you in the direction YOU want to go. Counseling is an ACTIVE process and requires your efforts and work.

What if I miss my appointment?

We know unexpected things happen and we are flexible with a first no-show to an appointment. Please be mindful that CTS appointments are in critical demand and we have a limited number of staff. As per our Cancellation/No Show Policy, if you No Show 2 appointments in the same semester, we will be unable to keep any scheduled appointments or schedule another appointment for the remainder of the semester. You may request referral information. You may be eligible for counseling services the next semester in which you are enrolled.

What if I need to cancel my appointment?

We know unexpected things happen. If you need to cancel your appointment, please call CTS at 940-565-2741 or visit our office in Chestnut Hall 313. Due to the heavy demand for services, we urgently request you cancel 1 day (24 hours) in advance of your scheduled appointment time. Appointments not canceled at least 30 minutes in advance will be considered No Shows.

Do you ever recommend medication? 

The answer is "sometimes". Meditation has been shown to help so many people with certain kinds of problems that it would be unfair not to recommend it. IF we believe you would be a good candidate to benefit from medication, we would make a referral to a physician or psychiatrist for a valuation. On the other hand, we don't always recommend medication if we believe you might respond just as well with other forms of counseling (i.e. therapy). Feel free to talk this over with your therapist if you feel you might, or might not, want medication. You will not be forced to take any medication to receive services unless to do so is strongly contraindicated. 

Do I have to be videotaped to receive services?

No, we do not withhold services because someone chooses not to be taped. Our taping is state of the art and extremely safe and confidential, as this was our number one criteria for our new equipment. Also, all taping is erased either immediately after supervision is done (in the case of someone who needs supervision) or at the maximum of 3 weeks when it is automatically deleted, with no record of it remaining. Taping is advantageous for both your counselor and the client however as a licensed psychologist or licensed professional counselor (supervisors) to help your counselor, help you more, and you could say it's like getting two for one, and much more experience to help you with your problem. If you see a practicum student counselor, it benefits them immensely in learning to improve their skills and knowledge and to help you more with your specific situation. There are some cases where if you choose not to take, you may be requested to change counselors to someone who doesn't require supervision.

It is our policy that all staff seeks in-house consultation as needed, but remembers all of this is done with the same strict privacy as you have with your original counselor.

Got a Different Question?

Find the full list of CTS FAQs

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