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CACS 2030: Creativity and Complex Problems

This guide is designed to highlight library resources for students in CACS 2030 Creativity and Complex Problems

Citation Manuals

Citation manuals are available for short-term loan at the Frisco Landing Library 2nd floor service desk.

Online Resources

UNT Libraries Citation & Style Guide

Use this guide to find more in-depth information about citation styles and resources.

Purdue Owl

Purdue Owl is a great resource for formatting guidelines, in-text citation instructions, and example citations in all three major citation formats. 

UNT Libraries Plagiarism Guide

Properly citing sources is the best way to avoid accidental plagiarism. See this guide for more helpful tips. 


Citation managers, such as RefWorks, can you help keep track of sources while writing papers or completing projects. UNT subscribes to RefWorks so that students can access this tool for free. See this guide to learn about setting up your account and using RefWorks.