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CJUS 5620: Victimology

A guide that provides suggested resources to help student complete assigned coursework in CJUS 5620

Websites to help identify a topic

Browsing these websites may help you identify a topic you are interested in researching.

Learn more about topics

Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology provides a list of criminal justice-related topics. Each topic entry defines/introduces the problem and provides a list of suggested readings and key articles on that topic.

You can search Credo Reference to get an overview of a topic and current research related to the topic.

Sage Research Methods Cases provides examples of criminal justice research projects. These examples could help you choose a methodology for your research proposal. Search by "criminal justice" generally to browse some research projects or search with a specific criminal justice-related topic.

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This work is a derivative of "CJUS 5620: Victimology ", created by [author name if apparent] and © University of North Texas, used under CC BY-NC 4.0 International.