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Credo InfoLit Modules for Faculty


The University of North Texas Libraries has a subscription to Credo InfoLit Modules. The InfoLit Modules provide high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials on information literacy and critical thinking skills. They are ideal for supplementing and supporting classroom instruction, online teaching, or student remediation needs.

Modules consist of videos, tutorials and quizzes and can be integrated into your Canvas shell, or linked to directly (students are authenticated through the library proxy). Each lesson also includes a list of Student Learning Outcomes. 

Access to the student side of the entire course or the public Information Literacy Tutorial LibGuide. 

The modules are divided into the following six topics:

  • Getting started with research
  • Sources of information
  • Searching for information
  • Evaluating information
  • Presenting research and data
  • Citations and academic integrity

Under each module is a combination of tutorials, videos, and quizzes. Also, there is a pre-test and a post-test available.

For more information, contact Greg Hardin at

See the Course Outline tab for a list of topics available through our Credo InfoLit subscription.