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ECON 4510: History of Economic Thought

Resources supporting the course, "ECON 4510: History of Economic Thought."

What is "neoclassical economics?"

"The school of economics emerging in the UK and the USA in the late nineteenth century, after ‘the Marginal Revolution’, marshall, edgeworth, pareto, wicksell and walras being its most prominent founders. Building on marginal analysis, it dominates much of US economics today, especially at Chicago University. It takes the view that an economy's equilibrium will occur after a disturbance because of a tâtonnement process with flexible wages and prices. As prices disseminate information and provide incentives for economic agents, economic plans and activities are co-ordinated."

-- Excerpt from the definition of "neoclassical economics" from Routledge Dictionary of Economics (2013)

What books does UNT Libraries have on this subject?

When looking for books in the library catalog, try using a name of an expert in the field or a combination of search terms similar to the examples below:

  • (economics and neoclassical)
  • (Neoclassical school of economics)
  • (Alfred Marshall)
  • (marginal utility)
  • (marginal rates of substitution)
  • (continuity thesis)
  • marginalists

If you need help coming up with terms or combinations to search, ask us!

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