Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
The UNT Writing Center is a great resource to use for assistance with your writing style, organization, flow and more. The Writing Center now offers online tutoring sessions, so even distance learners can now take advantage of these valuable writing services.
Sage Hall, room 150
To schedule a digital tutoring session with the Writing Center, make an appointment by coming to the Writing Lab in person, calling the Writing Lab at 940.565.2563, or emailing the Writing Center at
UNT's Libraries provide access to thousands of journals. Below are only a small number of the journal titles offered relating to Library and Information Sciences.
If you have a particular article you are trying to find, the Find Articles tool is an excellent option for quickly locating the article. Here is a quick tutorial on using this tool. For a complete tutorial, see the Find Articles Workshop classpage.
If your article is not retrieved, double check your search for spelling errors. One little mistake and your article will not be retrieved!
A peer reviewed article is an article that has been subjected to a process of critical evaluation by experts on the subject to determine the quality, relevance and appropriateness of an article before it is published. This ensures that the articles published in a journal represent the best scholarship in that field.
If you are not sure if a journal is peer reviewed, you can turn to Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
The Referee Shirt icon indicates the journal is refereed or peer reviewed.
Begin by going to the Databases tab on the library home page and choosing a database in the alphabetical list. I've listed some recommended databases here.
If you find that the article you are looking for is not available online, don't be too concerned. Not everything is available electronically. With the title, issue number, year, and page numbers in hand, check out the UNT Library Catalog. Do a journal title search and check to see if our library holds a print copy. If not, you can put in a request from another library using our Interlibrary Loan Service.