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BEHV 5150: Techniques in Applied Behavior Analysis: Required Readings

Library resources useful for completion in course assignments

Peer Review

Many instructors require you to use peer-reviewed sources for your papers and projects, but what does that mean?

  • Peer review is the process of having experts in a field review the quality of an article or book before it is published
  • Most articles in scholarly and academic journals are peer-reviewed
  • Books published by university or academic presses are peer-reviewed

Most databases allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed articles

Required Readings for BEHV 5150

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2007).  Applied Behavior Analysis.  Columbus, OH:  Merrill.


Behavior Analysis Certification Board Task List  (Content Area T)

Supplementary readings available through the course website, from the instructor, or located by students themselves through UNT libraries (campus and on-line).

What is Peer Review?

A fast way of determining if the article you are viewing is Peer Reviewed or Scholarly, is to search for the title of the journal which published the article in: Ulrichsweb

Refereed option in Ulrichsweb filter
The Referee Shirt icon indicates the journal is refereed or peer reviewed.