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resources for research in Spanish

Books - Spanish

Browsing for books

The UNT Libraries currently use the Library of Congress call number system to classify the books in our collection.  Most of our Spanish books are found on the third floor of Willis Library.

Books about the Spanish language are found under call numbers PC 4001-PC 4977.

Spanish literature books are found under call numbers PQ 6001-PQ 8560.

PC 4625 is the main number for Spanish dictionaries; PC 4640 is the main number for Spanish-English dictionaries. Since the library no longer has a section of print reference books, look for these on the regular shelves on 3rd floor.

Please note that all of the older Spanish books classified under the Dewey system have been taken to remote storage.  If you need one that shows up in your search results, you can click the remote storage link on your screen to fill out a request for it.  The courier will usually bring it for you within 24 hours, and you can check it out at the main circulation desk on 1st floor.  (Dewey uses numbers for classification rather than letters and numbers.  Call numbers for Spanish are in the 460s.)