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BIOL 4260/5260: Evolution

How to find sources - books and articles - for your research paper and cite the sources properly.

Find Print and Electronic Books

You can find print and electronic books using the UNT Library Catalog from the Libraries homepage by following these steps:

  1. Locate the blue search box on the homepage
  2. Select the Books & More tab to enter the catalog
  3. Select either the "keyword" or "subject" search from the left-hand dropdown menu. 
  4. Enter your search terms and click on the Search button

Search from Books & More on the library homepage

Keyword search = using 2 to 3 search terms to search entire record of each book in the catalog.

  • The catalog automatically puts "and" between the terms so all results contain all of the terms
  • If you get too few results, then reduce the number of terms
  • If you get too many results, add a search term

Subject search = searching with 1 or more terms used by the catalog to describe your topic. This search only looks at words in the subject term field.

  • Find subject terms at the bottom of a book record in the catalog 

Subject headings in catalog - Environmental sciences, Environmental protection, Conservation of natural resources

Keyword and Subject Searches Combined = do a keyword search and then do subject searches.

  • Do a keyword search with 2 or 3 terms
  • Find a book on your topic and click on the title
  • Scroll down the book's record and find the subject terms
  • Do more searches with the subject terms

Recommended Searches in UNT Library Catalog

Keyword searches: evolution [organism], evolution relationships, evolution [body part or system], biodiversity, adaptation biology

Subject searches: evolution biology, evolution, human evolution, convergence biology, biodiversity, adaptation biology, coevolution

Be sure to try other searches as you see what terms are used in books and the subject terms.

Selected Books on Evolution

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