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OPSM 4850: Lean Manufacturing

A guide for OPSM 4850 students.

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based research manager that allows you to create your own personal database of citations and documents for both academic and personal use. With RefWorks you can:

  • Easily export references from electronic databases, the UNT library catalog, text files, websites and more into your account
  • Quickly create reference lists for papers and projects in the citation style of your choice
  • Store, read and annotate files.

See the Basic RefWorks Handout below and the RefWorks video tutorials to get started with your account.

How Long Will My RefWorks Account Last?

RefWorks is available for all UNT students, faculty, and staff through the UNT Libraries. Your account will last as long as the library has a contract with RefWorks. That means you will have access to your account after you graduate, retire or, resign from your position at UNT. When you are preparing to leave UNT, remember to take these steps:

  1. Enter the Settings in your account
  2. Change your email address to one where you can be contacted in the future
  3. Change your Role to Alumni (even if you are technically a retiree or former employee)

For screenshots of the steps, visit the ExLibris Knowledge Center. If the library ends its contract with RefWorks in the future, we will notify you by email and you'll have the opportunity to export your references in a format compatible with other reference managers.

RefWorks Announcements

A. Write-N-Cite (WNC) and RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) are not compatible with Microsoft Office 2019! To continue using WNC or RCM with MS Word, you must have an earlier version of Word for Windows or Mac. The projected release date for updated WNC and RCM is the first quarter of 2020. Visit the ExLibris Knowledge Center for more details about downloading and installing WNC or RCM

B. RefWorks has recently heard reports that references are disappearing from folders and/or users can't move or make bibliographies from references in folders. If you encounter any of these problems, please contact Erin O'Toole for assistance.

C. Share your Projects with other RefWorks users! Project members can now add/delete/modify folders and references. See the May 7, 2019 Release Information.

D. All information about RefWorks is now available at the ExLibris Knowledge Center. See the Release Information for the latest improvements to RefWorks. 

Have any questions about the updates? Contact your RefWorks administrator, Erin O'Toole.

New RefWorks FAQ

Migration from Legacy to New RefWorks

Q: Why should I migrate from legacy to new RefWorks?

A: There are several reasons to migrate now. First, the library will be discontinuing technical and instructional support for legacy RefWorks, effective August 1, 2019. Second, RefWorks will eventually decommission legacy RefWorks, but they have not set a deadline yet. Third, new RefWorks has a number of helpful features that the legacy version lacks. See a comparison of the versions in the ExLibris Knowledge Center.

Q: How do I migrate from legacy to new RefWorks?

A. Select the migration link from the top left of the opening screen of your legacy account. See the ExLibris Knowledge Center for more details about upgrading

Q: When I create a new RefWorks account, will the references disappear from my legacy RefWorks account?

A: No. The content is copied over to your new account and you can continue to use the legacy account indefinitely until it is decommissioned.

Q: Will the content in reference fields, like Abstract and Personal Notes, migrate over to my new RefWorks account.

A: Yes, all content will be copied to the new account. The fields in the new RefWorks aren't exactly the same, so you may need to move the content around, but it won't be lost.

Q: I have files attached to my references in the legacy RefWorks. Will they migrate to my new account?

A: Yes, attached files will be copied to the new RefWorks. If you have more than one file attached to a reference, only one file will migrate and you will have to manually attach additional ones.

Write-N-Cite (WNC)

Q: Is WNC compatible with Microsoft Office 2019?

A: As of June 5, 2019, WNC is not compatible with MS Office 2019. RefWorks has not announced yet when the new compatible version will be available. For full WNC download and installation requirements, please visit the ExLibris Knowledge Center.

Q: Will I still be able to use WNC with the new RefWorks?

A: Yes, but you will have to install a new version of WNC, which you can find in the Tools section of your account. There are still versions for both Windows and Mac.

Q: The new WNC didn't work the first time I installed it. Now what do I do?

A: Contact Erin O'Toole to walk you through the steps for uninstalling and reinstalling the new WNC.

Q: Does the new WNC work with Word Online in Office 365?

A: No, it does not. It only works with Word in Microsoft Office.


Q: What the best browsers to use with new RefWorks, especially the Save to RefWorks function?

A: RefWorks is optimized to work with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Avoid using Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, which won't allow you to use all RefWorks functions.