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ENGL 4440: Shakespeare, ENGL 5560: Studies in Teaching Literature - Teaching Shakespeare

Class Information

Dr. Jeff Doty

Office: 407H Language Building


Dr. Jacqueline Vanhoutte

Office: AUDB 112


[VideoSparkNotes]. (2019, April 22). Shakespeare's Life and Works [Video File]. Retrieved from


'The Royal Shakespeare Company gives its second masterclass on performing Shakespeare before an invited audience.Ian McKellan describes the thoughts and ideas that run through an actor's mind as he prepares for a major soliloquy, and Patrick Stewart contrast two different performances of the speech by Enobarbus from 'Antony and Cleopatra.'The actors are Alan Howard, Jane Lapotaire, Ian McKellan, Michael Pennington, Patrick Stewart and David Suchet.'


[Gassalasca4]. (2014, January 15}. South Bank Show Special - Word of Mouth RSC (1979) [Video File]. Retrieved from


What is Dystopian Literature

Dystopia is an imaginary or fictional society that sees differences among people as bad and outcast consequences as terrifying. The opposite is Utopia a perfect society. 

 The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood 

[TED-Ed]. (2019, January 22). Why should you read “Fahrenheit 451”? - Iseult Gillespie [Video File]. Retrieved from