The UNT Libraries provide both print and electronic books for the UNT community, and you can search for all of them in the UNT Library Catalog.
Print books are stored in the Willis, Sycamore Library, and Discovery Park Libraries, and Remote Storage. Most print books can be checked out for a period of time determined by your status - see our circulation policy. Request a book from Remote Storage or another library on campus by placing an online hold on the title.
E-books can be viewed and used immediately, or checked out for 7 days and even downloaded to electronic devices.
Start your catalog search right from the Libraries homepage with the new multi-tabbed search box.
Or use the hyperlinks on this page to go directly to the UNT Library Catalog.
The UNT Library Catalog contains records for items of all formats (books, journals, CDs, etc.) located in all of the libraries at UNT. There are options for searching by keyword, title, author and subject in the Basic Search of the catalog. When searching for a research topic . . .
A keyword search looks for the word(s) you enter in all fields of an item's record: title, author, subject headings, notes and more.
A subject search narrows your search and retrieves more titles relevant to your topic than a keyword search.
Suggested strategy: Do a keyword search first. When you find a book relevant to your topic, look at its subject headings and use them for subsequent subject searches.
Open the catalog in another window and follow these steps to conduct a keyword search.
Open the catalog in another window and follow these steps for a subject search.