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MDSE 2750: Consumers in a Global Market Coursera Course

Course guide for MDSE 2750

Which Database Should I Use?

That's an important question because the UNT Libraries provide access to over 500 electronic databases! There are four approaches to this:​

  • Find individual databases under the Databases tab of the search box on the Libraries homepage
  • Find the guides for your course or department under the Subject & Course Guides tab on the Libraries homepage, and look at the recommended databases.
  • Use the Online Articles tab on the homepage to search in 92% of the databases simultaneously or,
  • Contact the library liaison assigned to your course or department; find the librarian using the Subject Librarians List,

Snapshot of databases search tab from library catalog

There are several choices when you use the Databases tab:

  1. Search for a Database by its name,
  2. The Go Directly to menu of all database names,
  3. Browse Subjects menu, which takes you to all databases associated with the selected subject, and  
  4. Frequently Used databases, which are mainly multidisciplinary.

When in doubt, use a multidisciplinary database like Academic Search Complete from EBSCOhost or Proquest Research Library.

ADVANCED: Search with Online Articles

Online Articles is a discovery tool that allows you to search 92% of the Libraries' electronic databases simultaneously. Searching in Online Articles is a good way to:

  • find interdisciplinary articles
  • find articles using the Advanced Search, when you only have a partial citation

Start your Online Articles search on the Libraries homepage; select the Online Articles tab from the central search box. Then follow these steps to find articles:

Snapshot of online articles search tab from library catalog

  1. Notice that your search is already limited to Peer-Reviewed Only and Full-Text Only
  2. Enter the search terms you developed earlier into the search box; Online Articles automatically adds the Boolean AND between the terms
  3. On the Results page, you can refine your search on the left by publication date, subject terms, and more
  4. Click on Preview to read the article's summary
  5. Click on the green Find It button to retrieve the article; you will be connected directly to the article
  6. Look for options to download the full text article or to email the article to yourself

Suggested Databases