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There are two ways to find ebooks at the UNT Libraries - through the catalog and by directly searching ebook collections. In either approach, remember to use the book's index to see if your topic is covered.

Follow these steps to find ebooks through the Discover library catalog:

  1. Perform an All Fields or Subject search for your topic in the Discover library catalog. Select Online (Access category) and then Books (Resource Type category) in the left-hand panel.
  2. Click on the title link of a book you want.
  3. Above the Location and Call Number information, select the "connect to online resource" link.
  4. Now you can skim or read the book.

Here are some ebook collections that you can go to directly and search for your topic.

Print Books

Follow these steps to find print books on your topic in the Discover library catalog:

  1. Perform an All Fields or Subject search for your topic in the Discover library catalog. 
  2. Select At the Library (Access category) and then Books (Resource Type category) in the left-hand panel.
  3. Click on the title link of a book you want.
  4. Jot down the Location and Call Number information and locate the book.
  5. Ask at a service desk if you need assistance.

Selected Print Biographies

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