How to Find books on Liturgy at the UNT Libraries
Search the UNT Libraries Catalog.
Choose the "keyword" search option. Search the name of your saint. Search by last name, first name. Example: von Bingen, Hildegard, or Bingen, Hildegard, or Hildegard, Saint (for Saint Hildegard von Bingen) AND Music, or AND Theater
Other Keyword search ideas: Saint AND Liturgy, Medieval AND Liturgy, Medieval AND Theater
Books at the UNT Libraries
Click on the title of the book to see the location and call number.
The saint play in medieval Europe
Saints at play: the performance features of French hagiographic mystery plays
How to Find Books on Liturgies of the Saints at Other Libraries
Perform the same search as shown above in the World Catalog
Any books without the UNT Library logo beside them can be requested through our borrowing program Inter-Library Loan.
*Click the box "Limit availability to Books in the UNT Libraries" to only see books owned by the UNT Libraries.