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Art Iconography & Symbolism

Resources for art iconography and symbolism research.

3. Iconography Books on Your Theme

Step 3: Iconography Books on your Theme

How to Find Books on Art Iconography and Symbolism

After you have identified the basic iconography and have an idea of the theme of the art work, you will want to search for books written on your specific theme or topic.

To search for books:

1. Go to the UNT Libraries home page
2. Choose the tab “Cataloged Books & More
3. In the search box, enter the terms that describe your theme or person:

Keyword search examples:
“Touch me Not”, “Last Supper”, Annunciation AND Angel or Gabriel.

Person search example:
Magdalene, Mary.

How to Find and Request Books and Exhibition Catalogs not Owned by the UNT Libraries