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Art Careers & Schools

This guide provides information on art graduate schools and professional art career and employment resources for art graduate students.

Art Schools and Degree Programs

Art Schools and Degree Programs: Books

Located on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library.

Directory of MFA Programs in the Visual Arts
N328 .D57
Graduate Programs in the Visual Arts: The CAA Directory
N328 .G73 2012  
Graduate programs in Art History: the CAA Directory
N385 .G73 2008
Directory of Art and Design Faculties in Colleges and Universities
N51. D57
Peterson's Guide to Graduate and Professional Programs
L901 .P461
Artists and Writers Colonies
NX110. B695
Artist's Resource: the Watson-Guptill guide to academic programs, artist colonies and artist-in-residence programs
N51 C43

Art Schools and Degree Programs: Online
A comprehensive listing of graduate educational programs by subject.

Petersons.Com: The Education Supersite
A good source for finding graduate school programs and funding.
Ranks the top programs in the arts. *Note, this ranking is based on popular student vote.