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ADES 4640: Interior Design, Space V

Professional practice resources for interior design.

Journal Articles on Interior Design, Architecture, and Interior Designers and Architects

How to Find Journal Articles on Interior Designers, Architects, and Interior Design and Architecture Topics

Search the following UNT Libraries journal databases for journal articles on designers and architects and their works, and interior design and architecture topics. EbscoHost database allows you to search 100+ databases at once, including Art and Architecture Source, Design and Applied Arts Index, etc. Many contemporary designers do not have books published about them; therefore, the best information can usually be found in journals.
*If accessing off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password.

Search the designer's name, works or concepts in the databases below. Example: Ando, Tadao; Johnson, Philip; glass house, interior design, "form follows function", Restaurant AND Sensory Design, Hotel AND Design. 

Searching for Articles in one Specific Journal

How to Search for Articles in One Specific Journal 

1. Go to the E-Journals page.
2. Choose the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the name of the journal.
3. Click on the title of the journal.

Now you will see a listing of the journal vendors that the library buys the e-journal content from along with the years of issues that that vendor offers. Click on one of the vendor links to get into the online journal content. 
*At this point if you are accessing off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password.

Once inside the journal, you will see a search box with the words beside it that says "Search in this journal or Search the issues".  So just type your topic keyword(s) in the search box, (example: Lighting), and then all articles in that particular journal about the the topic of lighting will be shown.

Interior Design and Architecture Journals at the UNT Libraries

Interior Design and Architecture Journals at the UNT Libraries

A small sampling of interior design and architecture journals to browse for creative inspiration.
These journals are either online and or in print format on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library. Visit the E-Journals page for more journals. If accessing the online version off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password.

Architectural Digest
Better Homes and Gardens
Decorative Art and Modern Interiors
Environment and Behavior
HERD Journal
House Beautiful
Indoor + Built Environment
Journal of Green Building
Journal of Interior Design

Journal of Consumer Culture
Journal of Material Culture

Online Interior Design Journals