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RHAB 5700: Ethical and Professional Foundations in Rehabilitation Counseling

A guide to relevant library resources for students in RHAB 5700: Ethics and Professional Foundations in Rehabilitation Counseling


Welcome to the RHAB 5700: Ethics and Professional Foundations in Rehabilitation Counseling. If you have questions about how to use any of the resources presented in this guide or any library resources, please contact the subject librarian. Your Rehabilitation and Health Services subject librarian can provide specialized research help. For general library questions, for trouble-shooting access issues, or for after hours assistance, you can also use the Ask Us service to get help.

The "What the Libraries Can Do for You" video below is a helpful overview of resources for graduate students. It covers how to search the library catalog for books and more, tips for searching library databases for articles, information about Refworks (a bibliographic management system), and information about TexShare and Interlibrary loan programs for borrowing materials not owned by UNT Libraries. If you don't see the option to play this video, you will need to click on the "sign in" link within the video frame and log into your UNT Microsoft 365 account (UNT email address + euid password).

Ask Us

Use the Ask Us link on the library homepage, to get answers when your subject librarian is unavailable.