Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
Please take a look at this class guide it is filled with valuable, helpful information. The UNT Library website is and this website contains lots of important information along with your search boxes to find books, journal articles, online books and online articles and more.
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Online bibliographic management program that allows users to import citation information, create a personal database of references information, and create a bibliography and annotated bibliography page in Word.
Special Collections is a fantastic resource. These items are an example of what can be found and requested from the Special Collections Reading Room, Willis Library 4th Floor.
We have a copy of the constitution for the Klan from c1922, it is very fragile and has been sent to be digitized.
Constitution and Laws of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Incorporated. Atlanta, Ga: Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 1922. Print.
Materials related to the Klan on the portal, mostly newspapers:
Oral histories that touch on the KKK
Additional Klan related materials on the Portal that have no dates.
There is a significant collection of Faulker material at the University of Virginia, and the digitized audio tapes of his visit there in ’57 and ’58. - he talks a bit about race relations and the civil rights movement at the time the interviews took place.
The University of Central Florida hosts the Zora Neal Hurston Digital Archive
The Library of Congress has a great collection of FSA images available on the web here:
DPLA has a primary source set on The New Deal here:
Please choose the Literary Reference Center.
Items are edited together into single volumes.
Subject-specific dictionaries exist for a variety of topics.
A book containing one or more alphabetical lists of the inhabitants of any locality, with their addresses and occupations; also a similar compilation dealing with the members of a particular profession, trade, or association, for example a Clerical or Medical Dictionary, etc.
Patent and Statistical Databases
Technical Surveys and Reports
Thesauri -- Classified list of terms or keywords
Union Catalogs
National Union Catalog is an example. Another example is OCLC Worldcat.