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PSCI 3103: Immigration Politics

This guide is designed to support PSCI 3100: Immigration Politics.

Welcome to the Class Page for PSCI: 3103

This class page is for the Research Projects in PSCI 3103: Immigration Politics; however, it has research steps and tools that are useful for any research you do. If you find you need more help, use the Ask Us services. Library reference staff members can be reached in person and through phone and email. You may also contact the Subject Librarian for the Political Science Department, Brea Henson.

APSA Citation Style

Style Manual for Political Science

Revised August 2006

American Political Science Association Committee on Publications

General Library Resources

General Library Information

UNT Libraries Locations

UNT has several libraries. Most Political Science materials can be found on the Mezzanine Level of Sycamore Library, which is located inside Sycamore Hall You can find a map of library locations here:

The UNT Libraries offer a variety of service for our students:

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