Direct or Clone Plagiarism
"Direct plagiarism is the most obvious form of plagiarism. This means taking someone else’s ideas or work and claiming them as your own, without citation. Even if you delete or change a couple words here and there, it is direct plagiarism if the majority of the structure and words are the same.
Direct plagiarism is one of the worst types of plagiarism. It often results in expulsion and, if it also violates copyright, possible criminal charges."
Example of Direct Plagiarism
Original (Operario, 2008)
Student A
“Whereas some men mentioned keeping their sexuality concealed from friendship acquaintances or work colleagues, all participants consistently acknowledged experiences of stigma against homosexuality within traditional Asian Pacific Islander cultures and most adapted their self-expression to fit those parameters. As such, compartmentalization of homosexual identity in the family context was common. However, respondents did not view compartmentalizing their sexual identity from their ethnic identity to be ‘closeting’ themselves. They viewed the action as protecting family members from having to confront the taboo subject of sexuality.”
Some men mentioned keeping their sexuality concealed from friendship acquaintances or work colleagues, but all participants consistently acknowledged experiences of stigma against homosexuality within traditional Asian Pacific Islander cultures. Most adapted their self-expression to fit those parameters. As such, compartmentalization of homosexual identity in the family context was common. However, respondents did not view compartmentalizing their sexual identity from their ethnic identity to be ‘closeting’ themselves. They viewed the action as protecting family members from having to confront the taboo subject of sexuality.