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INFO 5200: Introduction to Information Organization: Introduction

Research Help

Library Orientation

EBSCOhost is a popular database and has some great YouTube videos on how to use the "Advanced Search" option. 

The advanced search skills from EBSCOhost can be applied to using UNT's own catalog.  "Introduction to Library Research" is a great introduction to jump-start your research. 

For students having issues logging onto the Library's system from home, "VPN Login Instructions" provide great help!

Welcome to the Class Page for INFO 5200

Image courtesy of Flickr.

Welcome to the class page for INFO 5200: Introduction to Information Organization. This is a beginner's guide to assist you in successfully navigating the UNT Libraries and fulfilling your information needs. While this page has been tailored specifically towards INFO 5200 students, the basic tools and principles are easily applicable to any of your UNT research endeavors.  Our goal is to provide you with a solid starting point for your research.  If you ever have any questions, Ask Us.

Course Reserves

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Writing and Citing

  • Writing and citation style manual - Library and Information Sciences uses APA 6th edition as its writing style.  You can also find a number of other online sources about APA and other citation styles here by using UNT's Scholary and Professional style manuals.
  • Purdue OWL APA Style Guide - The Owl at Purdue maintains an excellent site for help in formatting your paper, in-text citations, and reference lists according to American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition standards.

  • An APA 6th Edition Workshop to bring you the fundamentals of writing and citing using APA 6th Edition.
  • Click on the APA 6th page for more information.
  • RefWorks is a free tool that stores and organizes your references and creates in-text citations and bibliographies in the writing style of your choice. It is an extremely useful tool for almost any library class, but will be especially useful for the LIS End of Program Examination (LIS EOP), so be sure to familiarize yourself with it before the exam! Learn it today with our RefWorks online workshop.

Discovery Park Library

UNT Discovery Park PACCAR Technology Institute building

The Discovery Park Library provides the Department of Information Science with research, reference services, and books. Discovery Park Library is located in B112 on the first floor of the Discovery Park building. The library offers laptop checkout, public computers, study areas, and access to a Smart board. 

map of Discovery Park Library