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Flute Resource Guide

Guide for finding scores, books and journals about the flute

This guide is intended to help you use the UNT Music Library to find printed music for flute, books about the flute, journals devoted to the flute, and more. 

The UNT Libraries use the Library of Congress call number system to classify books and scores in our collections. Call numbers for scores begin with the letter M. Here are important numbers to know for flute music. Under each individual number, scores are usually in alphabetical order by composers' last names. Once you know this, you can browse if you want to select some music.

Flute alone: M 60-M 64

Flute with piano accompaniment: M 240-M 244

Flute with orchestra: M 1020
Flute with orchestra, reduction for flute and piano: M 1021          

Flute with string orchestra: M 1120
Flute with string orchestra, reduction for flute and piano: M 1121

Call numbers for books about music begin with the letters ML or MT. ML stands for music literature, MT for music theory and music teaching. Here are some call number ranges for books about flute. Books about recorder are usually found under the same numbers as books about flute.

ML 935, ML 937—history and criticism

ML 936—construction

MT 340—instruction and study

MT 342—methods

MT 345—studies and exercises

MT 346—orchestra studies

MT 348—fingering charts

You can use our redesigned online catalog, called Discover, to search for scores, books, and recordings:

If you would like to search for chamber music that includes flute, please go to our music-specific search screen from our previous catalog:

On that screen you can click Instrumentation & Voice Search to search for music for specific combinations of instruments.