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Resources for finding books, journal articles, videos and reviews on dance.

How to Find Books on Dance.

To Find Books on Dance

Search the UNT Libraries Catalog.

Dance search examples (keyword):
Person search: Graham, Martha (last name, first name)
Topic search: Moor's Pavane or Green Table, Graham, Martha AND Technique
Dance company search: "Jose Le Monde Dance Company", "Momix Dance Company"

Would you like to Browse the shelves of dance books on the 3rd floor of the Willis Library? Here are some call number ranges:

GV1500 - GV1800: Main Dance section
M1450 Dance Music (these books on on the 4th floor of the Willis Library (Music Library)
M1520 - M1525 Ballets (full scores, piano scores, excerprts - 4th floor, Music Library in Willis Library. 
QM1 - QM511 Human Anatomy
QP 1- QP345 General Physiology
RC1220 Sports medicine - Dance

To Find More Books Published on Your Topic

Use the World Catalog to find additional books and other materials published on your topic that are not owned by the UNT Libraries. The World Catalog contains more than 35 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. You may request any books without the UNT Libraries logo beside them by clicking on the "UNT Interlibrary Loan" link within the book's record, and then login with your EUID and EUID password.