Some items are only available on campus or will require authentication via EUID and Password at the point of use.
If there is a book you are looking for but it is not owned by the UNT Libraries, you can make a request for it through our Interlibrary Loan Service. For more information about the service and how to set up an ILLiad account to request materials, visit here.
You can find books on areas related to the hospitality industry by using the UNT Library Catalog-Discover.
If you need help using the catalog, you have several options:
If you need a book that UNT doesn't own, you can borrow it from another library using Interlibrary Loan.
WorldCat allows you to search for books, CDs, DVDs, and articles in libraries around the world. If the library that holds the item you need is a member of TexShare and you have a TexShare card, you can check them out. This can be very helpful to you if you are a distance student or a commuter. UNT Libraries' Circulation Department can send books that we own to distance learners but Interlibrary Loan can't borrow books from another library in that situation. For commuters, going to a nearby library may be quicker than coming in to Denton to get a book.