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CHEM 5010: Graduate Teaching and Research, Fall 2024: Assignment 3

Library Assignment 3 - October 7th

Before coming to class on Monday, October 7th, please do the following:

  • Review the information below, working through the boxes in numerical order. 
  • Download the Library Assignment #3 worksheet - it will be posted in Canvas before class begins. If you want a hard copy, print it before coming to the computer lab.

During class, I will give a short talk and then you can work on the assignment for the rest of the hour. 

Please submit the assignment as a Word file in Canvas.

The purpose of this assignment is to 1) learn how to discover the scholarly communication about a research area over time, and 2) learn about the concept of scholarly impact of articles and the tools used to measure that impact. We will use the multidisciplinary database Web of Science to do both activities. It tracks how many times a journal article is cited, which connects the article with research that came before and after and is one indicator of the value of an article to a discipline. 

1. Explanation of Scholarly Impact and Citation Analysis

Scholarly impact refers to the influence and recognition a scholar has in their field through mainly academic journal articles and books. Impact has traditionally been measured by how how many times a book or article is cited, which is called bibliometrics. Slowly, mentions of publications in social media - tweets and posts - are being accepted as evidence of impact. The counting of tweets, posts, etc. about publications is called altmetrics.

Web of Science is a journal article database and a bibliometric tool that monitors the number of times a journal article has been cited. Scholars usually interpret a high number of cites to mean an article is important in its field and contains significant findings. However, it can also mean that the article is controversial and researchers cite it when disagreeing with its findings.

Analysis of citations also lets us trace the development of an area of research into the past and future. By looking at who has cited a journal article, we can see what knowledge scientists have more recently added to that research field. By looking at the references in an article, we can travel back to the foundational information that was published earlier, For your library assignment, you'll be learning to do a cited reference search in Web of Science to follow the development of a research area by seeing how many cites an older article has and to find the articles that cite it.

Learn much more about determining and increasing scholarly impact at the Increase Your Scholarly Impact library guide.

2. Web of Science: Search Tips

Watch this linked Build Better Searches in Web of Science video for an introduction to searching in Web of Science. Some important points to remember about Web of Science:

  • Make sure you're in the Web of Science Core Collection before you start searching - see top of search box.
  • Only articles from 1945 - present will have complete records in UNT's Web of Science subscription. 
  • At UNT, look for the green FIND IT button to locate the full text of articles listed in Web of Science.

3. Web of Science: How to Do a Cited Reference Search

Watch this video to learn how to do a Cited Reference Search. Why should you do this search in Web of Science instead of just looking at Times Cited for an article in the Documents Search? You can usually find more citations in the Cited Reference Search because it identifies citations:

  • to works that aren't on the Web of Science publications list, e.g, books and book chapters
  • that contain errors and don't show up in a Documents Search
  • to works published before 1945

4. Web of Science: How to Use the Marked List

Watch this video to learn how to export the article references you want to save from Web of Science to RefWorks, which you will do for your assignment.

5. The H Index: Another Bibliometric Tool in Web of Science

Watch this video from the University of Louisville to learn how to find out what the h index for an author is and how to find it in Web of Science. The h index has these limitations:

  • Only citations from 1945 - present will be included in the UNT subscription
  • Only citations to journals tracked by Web of Science are included

6. How to Order Items through Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service provided to you by the Libraries and funded by your library fees. Use this service to get articles, books and more that we don't have at the UNT Libraries. To get started, you must create an ILLiad account. Watch the video, Interlibrary Loan Service, for more help.

Articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters are scanned and emailed to the UNT Libraries. It takes approximately 3 to 4 days for an electronic document to be delivered to your account, and sometimes as little as 24 hours. You will be notified by email when the electronic document arrives in your ILLiad account.

Print books, theses, and dissertations take longer to deliver to UNT. Books take 1 to 2 weeks and theses and dissertations can take up to 6 weeks. You can have these delivered to the UNT library of your choice through your ILLiad User Information.