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EDHE 6510: History of Higher Education in the United States

Useful library information for EDHE 6510, History of Higher Education in the United States, Dr. Jones

Required Readings for EDHE 6510

Rousmaniere, K. (2003). Historical research. In deMarrais, K., & Lapan, S. D. (Eds.), Foundations for research: Methods of inquiry in education and the social sciences (pp. 47-66). Routledge. (Canvas)
Bronson, W. C. (1783). A college’s laws and code of conduct. In Bronson, W. C., The history of Brown University, 1764-1914, (pp. 508-519). Providence, RI: Brown University. (Course Reserves)
Thelin Chapter 1, “Colleges in the colonial era”

Wright, B. (1988) “For the children of the infidels”?: American Indian education in the colonial colleges. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 12(3), 1-14. (Course Reserves)

Thelin Chapter 2, “Creating the ‘American way’ in higher education college building, 1785 to 1860” 
W Wilder, C. S. (2014). Ebony and ivy: Enslaved people on Campus. In Wilder, C. S., Ebony and ivy: Race, slavery, and the troubled history of America's universities (pp. 113-146). Bloomsbury Publishing USA. (Course Reserves)
Yale Report of 1828 (Retrieved at

Washington - Industrial Education for the Negro
DuBois - The Talented Tenth
Giles, M. S. (2006). Howard Thurman: The Making of a Morehouse Man, 1919-1923. Educational Foundations, 20, 105-122.

Roebuck, J. B., & Murty, K. S. (1993). The history of black higher education in the United States. In Roebuck, J. B., & Murty, K. S., Historically Black colleges and universities: Their place in American higher education (p. 21-52). Praeger Publishers. (Course Reserves)
Thelin Chapter 3, “Diversity and adversity: Resilience in American higher education, 1860 to 1890”

Gordon, L. D. (1997). From seminary to university: An overview of women’s higher education, 1870-1920. In Gordon, L. D., Gender and higher education in the progressive era, (p. 473-498). Yale University Press. (Course Reserves)

Palmieri, P. A. (2007). From Republican Motherhood to Race Suicide: Arguments on the Higher Education. The history of higher education, 173-182.

Eisenmann, L. (2002). Educating the female citizen in a post-war world: Competing ideologies for American women, 1945-1965. Educational Review, 54(2), 133-141.

Thelin Chapter 5, “Alma mater: America goes to college, 1890-1920”

Gasman, M. (1999). Scylla and Charybdis: Navigating the Waters of Academic Freedom at Fisk University during Charles S. Johnson's Administration (1946-1956). American Educational Research Journal, 36(4), 739-758. 

Hutcheson, P. A. (1987). McCarthyism and the professoriate: A historiographic nightmare?. In Goodchild, L. F., & Wechsler, H.S. (Eds.), ASHE reader on the history of higher education (610-627). Needham Heights, MA: Ginn Press.

Allen, R. B. (1949). Communists should not teach in American colleges. Educational Forum, 13(4). 

O'Toole, J. (1994). Tenure: A conscientious objection. Change, 26(3), 79-87.

Thelin Chapter 6, “Success and excess: Expansion and reforms in higher education, 1920 to 1945” and Chapter 7 “Guilt by association: Higher education’s ‘Golden Age,’ 1945 to 1970”

Clark, D. A. (1998). ‘The two Joes meet – Joe College, Joe Veteran:’ The G.I. Bill, college education, and postwar American culture. History of Education Quarterly, 38 (2), 165-189.

Hutcheson, P. A. (1999). Reconsidering the community college. History of Education Quarterly, 39(3), 307-320.

Delmont, M. (2014). Working toward a working-class college: the long campaign to build a community college in Philadelphia. History of Education Quarterly, 54(4), 429-464.

Brint, S., & Karabel, J. (1991). Institutional origins and transformations: The case of American community colleges. In P. J. DiMaggio and W. W. Powell (Eds.), The new institutionalism in organizational analysis (pp. 337-360). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Course Reserves)

Film: Berkeley in the sixties, (California Newsreel, 1990) (link on Canvas)
Bardach, E., Citrin, J., Eisenbach, E., Elkins, D., Ferguson, S., Jervis, R., … Sniderman, P. (1964, December 13). Berkeley Free Speech Controversy. Retrieved from

Astin, A. W., Astin, H. S., Bayer, A. E., & Bisconti, A. S. (1987). Overview of the unrest era. In Goodchild, L. F., & Wechsler, H.S. (Eds.), ASHE reader on the history of higher education (724-738). Needham Heights, MA: Ginn Press.

O'Brien, J. P. (1971). The development of the new left. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 395(1), 15-25.

Giles, M. S. (2008). Race, social justice, and the Jackson State University shootings. In Gasman, M., & Tudico, C. L., Historically Black Colleges and Universities (pp. 105-120). Palgrave Macmillan, New York. (Course Reserves)

MacDonald, V. M., Botti, J., & Clark, L. H. (2007). From visibility to autonomy: Latinos and higher education in the US, 1965–2005 Harvard Educational Review, 77(4), 474-504. 

Rojas, F. (2007). The life and death of Black studies programs. In Rojas, F., From Black power to Black studies: How a radical social movement became an academic discipline (p. 93-129). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University. (Course Reserves) also have e-book (2010)

American Indian Higher Education Consortium, (1999, February). AIHEC Tribal Colleges: An introduction. Retrieved from (Recommended)

Brint, Steven. (2002). The rise of the “practical arts.” In Steven Brint (Ed.), The future of the city of intellect: The changing American university (pp. 231-259). (library e-book)

Kerr, C. (2001). The idea of a multiversity. In Kerr, Clark, The uses of the university, (5th ed) (pp. 1-34). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Course Reserves)

Geiger, R. (2004). The development of universities in the postwar era. In Gieger, R., Research and relevant knowledge: American research universities since World War II (pp. 62-91). Routledge. (Course Reserves)

Thelin Chapter 8, “Coming of age in American: Higher education as a troubled giant, 1970 to 2000” p. 317-350
Douglass, J. A. (2007). California’s affirmative action fight. In Douglass, J. A., The conditions for admission: Access, equity, and the social contract of public universities (pp. 151-183). Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press. (Course Reserves)

Cook, W. B. (1997). Fund raising and the college presidency in an era of uncertainty: From 1975 to the present. The Journal of Higher Education, 68(1), 53-86.

Rhoads, R. A. (1998). Student protest and multicultural reform: Making sense of campus unrest in the 1990s. The Journal of Higher Education, 69(6), 621-646

Amanda Jackson Readings Fall 2022

Allen, W. R. & Jewell, J. O. (2002). A backward glance forward: Past, present and future perspectives on historically Black colleges and universities. The Review of Higher Education, 25(3), 241-261. 

Gasman, M. (2007). The origins of the United Negro College Fund as the cornerstone of private Black colleges. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, (56), 86-89.
Kimball, B. A., & Johnson, B. A. (2012). The beginning of “free money” ideology in American universities: Charles W. Eliot at Harvard, 1869-1909. History of Education Quarterly, 52(2), 222-250. 
MacDonald V. M., & Hoffman, B. P. (2002). “Compromising la causa?”: The Ford Foundation and Chicano intellectual nationalism in the creation of Chicano history, 1963-1977. History of Education Quarterly, 52(2), 251-281.  

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