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EDEC 4633: Nurturing Children’s Social Competence

Useful library information for EDEC 4633, Nurturing Children’s Social Competence, Dr. Templeton

Required Readings for EDEC 4633

Andolan, S. (2008). Children being in the world [Video].

Axelrod, Y. (2014). “Todos vamos a jugar, even the teachers”—everyone playing together. Young Children, 69(2), 24-31.

Clarke-Stewart, A., & Parke, R. D. (2014). Introduction: Theories of social development. In Social development (2nd ed.), pp. 1-33. New York, NY: Wiley.

Cohen, D. H., Stern, V., Balaban, N., & Gropper, N. (2015). Observing and recording the behavior of young children. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Emdin, C. (2014, April 8). Teach teachers how to create magic [Video]. 
Emdin, C. (2017). Chapter 1: Camaraderie. In For White folks who teach in the hood…and the rest of y’all too: Reality pedagogy and urban education, pp. 17-30. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 
Edwards, C. P. (1986). Chapter 1: The nature of children’s social knowledge. In Promoting social and moral development in young children, pp. 3-20. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. 
Riojas-Cortez, M. (2001). Preschoolers’ funds of knowledge displayed through sociodramatic play episodes in a bilingual classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(1), 35-40. 
Shalaby, C. (2017). Troublemakers: Lessons in freedom from young children at school. New York, NY: The New Press. 
Teaching Channel. (2018). The work of play [Video]. 
Yoon, H. S., Llerena, C., & Brooks, E. (2016). The unfolding of Lucas’s story in an inclusive classroom: Living, playing, and becoming in the social world of kindergarten. Bank Street Occasional Paper Series, 36, 1-19.
Van Hoorn, J., Nourot, P. M., Scales, B., & Alward, K. R. (2007). Chapter 4: Orchestrating children’s play: Setting the stage. In Play at the center of curriculum, 4th ed., pp. 77-107. Columbus, OH: Pearson. 



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