A note about the resources listed in the boxes below--
Foundation Directory Online contains profiles for grantmakers who fund organizations and includes:
Foundation Directory Enterprise is available to UNT affiliated users from anywhere on campus or remotely via the UNT vpn.
Foundation Directory is available to non-UNT community members in-person on the desktop computers inside the Sycamore Library. For non-UNT users, Sycamore Library has two dedicated community use stations. If you need help finding these community-use computers stations, please ask at our service desk.
To access FD Enterprise, from the Sycamore Library computers, you can click through the link above or go to library.unt.edu, click on the "Databases" tab, search for the database name, and click through to FDO. Please contact the subject librarian if you experience any trouble accessing the database.
Guidestar is a searchable directory that provides detailed information on many nonprofit organizations. It includes IRS-registered 501 nonprofit organizations that may accept tax-deductible contributions. Profiles of these organizations cover missions, programs, financials, leaders, and the IRS 990 filing from 1998 forward in most cases.
Guidestar is available remotely to all UNT community members. Non-UNT affiliated users can access Guidestar from a dedicated community computer station in Sycamore Library or Willis Library.
Candid Learning, a freely available website of Candid (formerly the Foundation Center), offers information and resources that are specifically designed to meet the needs of nonprofits worldwide in need of know-how for securing funding and operating effective organizations. At Candid Learning, you can-
• View video recordings of live discussions with funders
• Listen to podcasts featuring experts in the field
• Get information about opportunities in your field of interest
• Increase your expertise in fundraising and management
• Attend training and events, in-person and online
• Search for Funding Information Network locations by zipcode
Grant applications require the applicant to describe the service that the nonprofit organization intends to provide and justify the need for that service in the community. Providing data to back up the need for service is always a good idea. For example, if you are asking for grant money to support services to homeless people in the community, you would want to provide data regarding the number of homeless individuals in the area and the lack of services available to help those individuals. Below are a few of the types of resources that you could use to gather information (but obviously you may need other types of data from sources not represented here).