ANTH 5000: Seminar - Sociocultural Anthropology: Assigned Readings

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Course and Concepts in Anthropology

  1. Mead, Margaret. 1961. “Anthropology Among the Sciences”. American Anthropologist, 63: 475-482.     
  2. Pierpont, Claudia Roth. 2004. “The Measure of America: How a Rebel Anthropologist Waged War on Racism”. The New Yorker 8 March: 48-63.
  3. Haller, John S. 1971. “Race and the Concept of Progress in Nineteenth Century American Ethnology”. American Anthropologist, 73(3): 710-724.
  4. Stocking, George. 1960. “Franz Boas and the Founding of the American Anthropological Association”. American Anthropologist, 62: 1-17.


Lesson 2: Key Issues in Anthropology: Culture, Race and Ethnicity

  1. Understanding Race: (see discussion board prompt before completing assignment) 
  2. Borofsky, Robert, et al. 2001. “WHEN: A Conversation about Culture”. American Anthropologist, 103(2): 432-446.
  3.  Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1996. “Writing Against Culture” in Fox, Richard G. 1991. Recapturing anthropology: working in the present. Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press.
  4. Harrison, Faye. 1998. “Introduction: Expanding the Discourse on Race”. American Anthropologist, 100(3): 609-631.

Optional (recommended)

Lesson 3: Theoretical Approaches and the Anthropological Lens

  1. Farmer, Paul. 2004. An Anthropology of Structural Violence, Cultural Anthropology 45(3): 305-325.
  2. Douglas, Mary. 1966. "Introduction" to Purity and Danger: an Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo". In Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, Sixth Edition, edited by Paul A. Erickson, and LIam Murphy, University of Toronto Press, 2021.
  3. Rosaldo, Renato. 1989. “Grief and a Headhunters Rage”. In Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis. Boston: Beacon Press.


Lesson 4: Ethnographic Research Methods

  1. Bernard, H. Russell. 2018. “Participant Observation”. In Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press.
  2. Choose one of the following:
    1. Crain and Tashima. 2005. "Anthropology and Evaluation: Lessons from the Field." Napa Bulletin: 24, Pp. 41-48.


    2. Bohren, Lenora. 2005. "Evaluation of Environmental Issues." Napa Bulletin: 24, Pp. 49-56.


    3. Goodman, Trainor and Divorski. 2005. "Using Ethnographic Methods to Evaluate the Department of Veterans Affairs Patient Safety Program" NAPA Bulletin: 24, Pp. 57-70.

  3. Cassell, Joan. 2002. “Perturbing the System: ‘Hard Science,’ ‘Soft Science’ and Social Science: The Anxiety and Madness of Method.”      Human Organization: 61(2), Pp. 177-185.
  4. Evans, et al. 2009. “Common Insights, Differing Methodologies: Toward a Fusion of Indigenous Methodologies, Participatory Action Research, and White Studies in an Urban Aboriginal Research Agenda.” Qualitative Inquiry: 15(5), Pp. 893-910

Lesson 5: Ethics and Applied Anthropology

  1. Case Studies from Handbook on Ethical Issues in Anthropology, AAA website (see link in Lesson)
  2. Singer, et al. "Am I My Brother’s Keeper? A Case Study of the Responsibilities of Research"
  3. Baba, "The Theoretical Foundation for a Fifth Sub-Discipline in Anthropology"

Optional (recommended)

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