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EDLE 5680: Administration of the K–12 Curriculum: Required Readings

Useful library information for EDLE 5680, Administration of the K–12 Curriculum

Required Readings for EDLE 5680

Resources for EDLE 5680

Textbook: Lalor, Angela Di Michele (2016). Ensuring high -quality curriculum: How to design, revise, or adopt curriculum aligned to student success.  Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


Bambrick-Santoyo (2010) Driven by data: A practical guide to improve instruction, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.

Driven by Data: A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction

Bambrick-Santoyo (2018) Leverage leadership 2.0: A practical guide to building exceptional schools. Jossey – Bass, San Francisco, CA.

Schlechty, Phillip C. (2002), Working on the work: An action plan for teachers, principals, and superintendents, 1st Edition

Stiggins, Rick (2017) The perfect assessment system. Alexandria, VA: ASCD


Supporting Excellence: A framework for developing, implementing, and sustaining, a high-quality curriculum (June 2017).


"What is Backward Design" from Understanding by Design (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005)

Chapter 1: What is integrated Curriculum? in Meeting Standards Through Integrated Curriculum by Susan M. Drake and Rebecca C. Burns.

Standards and Curriculum  by Deborah Burns

Jacobs, H. H., & Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (2006). Getting results with curriculum mapping.(video)

Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning vs. X-BL by John Larmer.

Clearing the Confusion between Technology Rich and Innovative Poor:  Six Questions by Alan November

Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum
by Tribune Content Agency
Daily Republic Solano County’s News Source

Driven by data: A practical guide to improve instruction
The MAIN Idea:  current educational book summaries

The Culture Friendly School
by Simon Rodberg
Educational Leadership, Dec 2016/Jan 2017, Vol. 74, Number 4

How to Be a Global Thinker
by Veronica Boix Mansilla
Educational Leadership, Dec 2016/Jan 2017, Vol. 74, Number 4

Globally Ready – or Not?
by Marc Tucker
Educational Leadership, Dec 2016/Jan 2017, Vol. 74, Number 4

Getting Schools Ready for the World
by Will Richardson
Educational Leadership, Dec 2016/Jan 2017, Vol. 74, Number 4

Instructional Planning
From TNTP January 2015

Haynes, C., Stewart, S., & Allen, E. (2016). Three Paths, One Struggle: Black Women and Girls Battling Invisibility in U.S. Classrooms. Journal of Negro Education, 85(3), 380–391. 

Castro, I. E., & Sujak, M. C. (2014). “Why Can’t We Learn about This?” Sexual Minority Students Navigate the Official and Hidden Curricular Spaces of High School. Education and Urban Society, 46(4), 450–473.

MORGAN, R. J. (2020). Principals and the Press: Factors Affecting Censorship in Scholastic Media. Communication: Journalism Education Today, 53(3), 15–22.

Martinson, D. L. (2007). Responding Intelligently When Would-be Censors Charge: “That Book Can Make Them...!” Clearing House, 80(4), 185–189. 
schools. (2014). Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, 63(6), 160–176.

Kincaid, C., & King, B. (2018). Fire Up About CENSORSHIP. Texas Library Journal, 94(1), 12–13.

Journal of Curriculum and Supervision Summer 1994, Vol. 9, No. A, 339-349 33 9 THE FORGOTTEN HIDDEN CURRICULUM PETER S. HLEBOWITSH, University of Iowa

Thornton, S. J. (2014). Hidden curriculum. In D. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy. Sage Publications. Credo Reference: 

Types of Curriculum – Leslie Owen Wilson

RODRIGUEZ, Noreen Naseem; VICKERY, Amanda. Much Bigger Than a Hamburger: Disrupting Problematic Picturebook Depictions of the Civil Rights Movement. International Journal of Multicultural Education, [S.l.], v. 22, n. 2, p. 109-128, aug. 2020. ISSN 1934-5267. 
Dewey, J. 1938. Experience and Education. New York, NY: Macmillan

Flinders, D., Noddings, N., & Thornton, S. (1986). The Null Curriculum: Its Theoretical Basis and Practical Implications. Curriculum Inquiry, 16(1), 33-42. doi:10.2307/1179551

Bell, L. A. (2007). Theoretical foundations for social justice education. In Adams, M., Bell, L. A., Griffin, P. (Eds.), Teaching for diversity and social justice: A sourcebook (2nd ed., pp. 1–14). New York, NY: Routledge.

Amanda E. Vickery (2019): “Still I Rise”: a Black feminist teacher’s journey to (re)member her journey to teach, Race Ethnicity and Education, 

McKenney, Y. (2016). Beyond the Single Story. Educational Leadership, 74(4), 49–52.

Texas' Controversial Social Studies Textbooks Under Fire Again by Kiah Collier, The Texas Tribune, Oct. 5, 2015

Texas State Teachers Association says ‘digital divide’ in state worse than country as a whole  (Jakob Rodriguez, Digital Journalist, Aug. 22, 2020)

Analysis: Shopping for students without schoolrooms, Texas is spending $250 million to narrow the digital divide (Links to an external site.) (Ross Ramsey, Aug. 14, 2020)

Texas’ Digital Divide The State of Broadband in Texas’ Rural Communities (Links to an external site.) (Lauren Mulverhill, Oct. 2019)

Considerations in Response to COVID-19’s Impact on Schooling
 IDRA Newsletter • April 2020 

Milner IV, H. R. (2017). Reimagining the Null Curriculum: To support true learning, schools must teach difficult issues like Charlottesville. Educational Leadership, 75(3), 88–89.

•    Covid 2025: Our World in the Next Five Years
•   Expert Answers:  How Do We Educate Children During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
•    How Remote Learning During Covid - 19 is Changing Education
•    21st Century Learners
•    Visions of Education Episode 81 – Curriculum Theory with Mark Helmsing
•    Helping Schools Address Issues of Race

YouTube – Phil Schlecty on Standards

YouTube – Heidi Hayes Jacobs and the Four Phases of Curriculum Mapping

YouTube – Grant Wiggins – Understanding by Design (1 of 2)

YouTube – Grant Wiggins – Understanding by Design (2 of 2)

YouTube – Rick Stiggins – Assessment Through the Student’s Eyes

YouTube – Great to Greater: How the World's Best Schools Keep Getting Better by  Dr. Douglas Reeves

YouTube – What is Media Literacy?

YouTube – Alan November – 21st Century Learning – A Deep Dive into the Future of Education

YouTube - Education Myths and Opportunities: Technology in the Classroom by Alan November

YouTube – Why do we need creativity?

TED Talk – The Danger of a Single Story

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